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Do The Right Thing: EB Systems says tech can remove barriers for small biz, roll out red carpet for visitors to KC

DATE POSTED:July 17, 2024

The following profile features one of five finalists for the “Do The Right Thing” social impact pitch competition organized by the KC BizCare Office, Economic Development Corporation of Kansas City and Startland News. Finalist features will be published throughout the week. Click here to read more features.

Click here to vote for your favorite finalist in this Reader’s Choice poll. The winner will receive an additional cash prize at the July 25 pitch competition.

EB Systems is on a mission to use its innovative electronic beacon technology to create a connected, inclusive, and economically vibrant community — starting with Kansas City, shared co-founder and CEO Jonathan Ruiz.

“We want to create legacy infrastructure that — yes, we’re aiming for the World Cup to deploy this and create some really cool experiences — but really we want to deploy a system/beacon network that will create value in Kansas City beyond the World Cup and beyond some of these international events,” he explained. “So what we’re focusing on is really creating digital equity.”

Brendan Waters and Jonathan Ruiz, EB Systems

The startup — launched in 2015 by Ruiz and co-founder Brendan Waters and one of Startland News’ Kansas City Startups to Watch in 2024 — uses mobile apps, proximity-based sensors and wearable Bluetooth devices to create real-time location, reporting, and alerting systems and has been used at the NFL Draft and Super Bowl parades in Kansas City, as well as the Chicago Marathon and CES conference in Las Vegas.

While that data and technology helps the cities and event organizers employing the beacons to better understand large crowds, the co-founders believe that small businesses, residents and tourists — especially those who don’t speak English and who have visual or hearing impairments — can also benefit.

Click here to learn more about the July 25 Do The Right Thing pitch competition.

After Kansas City hosted the NFL Draft in April 2023 — where EB Systems’ beacon technology was used — Ruiz said he immediately went into problem solving mode upon hearing that small businesses were disappointed with the lack of foot traffic.

“I think one of the things that we learned is that Kansas City is becoming an international destination for big events, but with that comes growing pains,” he continued. “So we’re trying to address some of the concerns that small businesses had but also overall inclusivity when people come to Kansas City.”

“I think the main thing that we’re focusing on for future big events is, ‘Hey, how do we just make sure that they are included in the conversation and don’t feel left out?’” Ruiz added.

Chiefs fans gather outside the T-Mobile Center in the Power & Light District in downtown Kansas City during the team’s 2024 victory parade; photo by Taylor Wilmore, Startland News

In the lead up to the World Cup in 2026, Ruiz and Waters — who have partnered with the Downtown Council, City Market, and Port KC — are working on building an interactive proof of concept to enhance visitor experiences and support small businesses through proximity-based apps, games, and real-time info.

Their goal for small businesses, Ruiz noted, is to allow them to tap into the crowds.

“With our technology — not only can we create a network that collects real-time traffic and pedestrian info — but we can also integrate with apps and messaging platforms to start driving experiences and maybe influencing these crowds,” he explained, “and maybe showing them places of our city that they didn’t even know about. I think that a big issue potentially with the World Cup is we’re not L.A. or New York. When someone from Europe goes to L.A. or New York, they kind of know what to do. So specifically, in Kansas City, we can really roll out the red carpet with this technology.”

Jonathan Ruiz, EB Systems, 2023 Pure Pitch Rally; photo by Taylor Wilmore, Startland News

For those that speak other languages or are hearing or visually impaired, Ruiz also said they plan to implement a system with inclusive communication. 

“We really want to make sure that we include people who are non-English speaking,” he continued. “And what’s great about some of the beacons, as well, we can integrate into disability-assistant apps. There’s certain apps that can help blind people navigate dense city areas. There’s even a potential for our beacons to broadcast audio. Not only could these beacons broadcast directly to people’s headphones but some new hearing aids are also compatible, as well.”

EB Systems plans to use Kansas City as its living lab for this first-of-its-kind infrastructure, Ruiz noted, while setting itself up for high-growth potential in other cities.

“When Google Fiber came to town, I think the little line was, ‘It’s a Goldilocks zone, not too big, not too small,’” he explained. “It’s a perfect place to prove out some of these concepts and how they provide that valuable infrastructure and these experiences for our hometown, but also sets us up to be an international company.”

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